The Department of English
Comprised of a team of experts and specialists in English, the Department of English aims to create an authentic EMI environment for students to use English inside and outside of classroom; to prosper a professional team which excels in small class English learning and teaching, and collaborative learning in the English classroom; to promote extensive reading and appreciation of English literature; and to boost students’ confidence in public speaking by joining public speaking competitions such as the Speech Festival and inter-school debating contests.
Curriculum Information
Junior Curriculum
Our junior curriculum focuses on students’ abilities to appreciate a wide range of literary texts and information from fiction and non-fiction, print and non-print sources and to creatively and critically explore the subject matter through freewriting of a wide range of themes and genres. Passionate and life-long learning is promoted through the use of small class teaching in which fruitful discussions and efficient group work could easily be carried out. E-learning is integrated into class activities regularly to broaden students’ exposure to authentic language use and enhance students’ ability to create and collaborate with digital media. Students will benefit through collaboration and peer learning in their own groups as they learn to communicate and collaborate with one another other. Language arts projects are designed to enable students to use the language creatively.
Senior Curriculum
Our senior curriculum focuses on strengthening students’ reading skills and study habits in preparation for the HKDSE and IAL, and to encourage students to read extensively about current events or issues so as to expand their vocabulary and broaden their horizons through authentic materials and sources. TTCA English experts also expose students to various writing genres and allow students to present information, ideas and opinions coherently in a variety of contexts. Pop culture, social issues and career planning are also integrated into our curriculum. Students will also be equipped with the skills to prepare and organize their Student Learning Profile (SLP) as well as their portfolio on Other Experiences and Achievements (OEA).
Outside the Classroom
School wide English fun days like International Food Days and Jeopardy are held annually to promote and encourage the use of English. Senior form students are encouraged to take the IELTS examination in pursuit of better results in public English Language assessments. The Joint Schools HKDSE Speaking Practice for S. 6 students is now held annually among our sister schools and TTCA to better prepare our students for the DSE speaking exam. The school has also participated in the following events throughout the years: Hong Kong School Speech Festival by HKSMSA, Inter-school debating contests by NESTA (Native English-Speaking Teachers’ Association), Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition and Book Report Competition held by the Hong Kong Public Library.